177 lines
5.1 KiB
177 lines
5.1 KiB
import argparse
import csv
import _csv
import os
from random import Random
import sys
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Optional
from zipfile import ZipFile
from fs.zipfs import ZipFS
import simfile
# Script arguments #
class AnonymizeEntriesArgs:
"""Stores the command-line arguments for this script."""
csv: str
files: str
dry_run: bool
def argparser():
"""Get an ArgumentParser instance for this command-line script."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("csv", type=str, help="path to the CSV file of form responses")
"files", type=str, help="path to the directory of file responses"
help="preview changes without writing the file",
return parser
CsvContents = list[dict[str, str]]
# Script logic #
def assert_valid_file_paths(args: AnonymizeEntriesArgs):
assert os.path.isfile(args.csv), f"{repr(args.csv)} is not a file"
assert os.path.isdir(args.files), f"{repr(args.files)} is not a directory"
def load_csv_contents(args: AnonymizeEntriesArgs):
with open(args.csv, "r") as csvfile:
return list(csv.DictReader(csvfile))
def load_alias_parts(csvpath: str) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
def extract_alias_parts(csv: "_csv._reader"):
return tuple(zip(*((line[0], line[1]) for n, line in enumerate(csv) if n > 0)))
with open(csvpath, "r") as csvfile:
alias_parts = extract_alias_parts(csv.reader(csvfile))
print(f"Loaded {sum(len(part) for part in alias_parts)} alias parts")
return alias_parts
def assert_known_google_forms_columns_present(csv_contents: CsvContents):
assert (
"Timestamp" in csv_contents[0]
), 'Provided CSV file does not have a "Timestamp" column'
assert (
"Email Address" in csv_contents[0]
), 'Provided CSV file does not have an "Email Address" column'
def detect_filename_column(csv_contents: CsvContents) -> str:
maybe_filename_columns = [
column for (column, value) in csv_contents[0].items() if value.endswith(".zip")
assert (
len(maybe_filename_columns) != 0
), 'First data row of provided CSV file has no cell ending in ".zip"'
assert (
len(maybe_filename_columns) == 1
), 'First data row of provided CSV file has multiple cells ending in ".zip"'
filename_column = maybe_filename_columns[0]
print(f"Detected filename column: {repr(filename_column)}")
return filename_column
def maybe_generate_and_persist_aliases(
args: AnonymizeEntriesArgs,
alias_parts: tuple[list[str], list[str]],
csv_contents: CsvContents,
reuse_aliases = "Generated Alias" in csv_contents[0]
if reuse_aliases:
print("Reusing generated aliases")
for row in csv_contents:
random = Random("; ".join([row["Email Address"], args.csv, args.files]))
row["Generated Alias"] = (
f"{random.choice(alias_parts[0])} {random.choice(alias_parts[0])}"
print("Generated an alias for each entry")
if args.dry_run:
print("Dry run - not writing generated aliases back to CSV")
with open(args.csv, "w", newline="") as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=csv_contents[0].keys())
for row in csv_contents:
print("Wrote generated aliases back to CSV")
return 0
def maybe_remove_and_persist_resubmitted_entries(csv_contents: CsvContents):
print("STUB - maybe_remove_and_persist_resubmitted_entries")
def extract_entries_to_temporary_folder(
args: AnonymizeEntriesArgs, csv_contents: CsvContents
print("STUB - extract_entries_to_temporary_folder")
def anonymize_entries(
args: AnonymizeEntriesArgs,
csv_contents: CsvContents,
temp_dir: Optional[TemporaryDirectory],
print("STUB - anonymize_entries")
def zip_anonymized_entries(
args: AnonymizeEntriesArgs,
csv_contents: CsvContents,
temp_dir: Optional[TemporaryDirectory],
print("STUB - zip_anonymized_entries")
# Main method #
def main(argv: list[str]):
args = argparser().parse_args(argv[1:], namespace=AnonymizeEntriesArgs())
alias_parts = load_alias_parts("aliasparts.csv")
csv_contents = load_csv_contents(args)
filename_column = detect_filename_column(csv_contents)
maybe_generate_and_persist_aliases(args, alias_parts, csv_contents)
# Everything above is implemented; everything below is a stub
temp_folder = extract_entries_to_temporary_folder(args, csv_contents)
anonymize_entries(args, csv_contents, temp_folder)
zip_anonymized_entries(args, csv_contents, temp_folder)
if __name__ == "__main__":